Know a senior graduating? The message from 2 Timothy 3 may be exactly what they need to hear before entering a new season of life!
Note: If you serve in student ministry and will facilitate a senior recognition for your church or ministry organization, I have created an outline for how I planned this portion of the service at the end of this post. I hope it will grant you inspiration!
If you are a graduating senior, this message is for you.
It is a word of PERSEVERANCE & GROWTH and it will serve you well to hold tightly to the truths you discover from this impactful letter written from an older follower of Christ to a younger one.
Click here to read 2 Timothy 3:12-17
The apostle Paul wrote this letter to a young man named Timothy, who was like a spiritual son to him. Timothy was given a big assignment to pastor a church in Ephesus that needed redirection because they were plagued with false teaching. His task, especially as a young adult, must have felt overwhelming. So to be strengthened by the words of his imprisoned mentor would have fueled his spirit to persevere in his mission.
As you think about entering into a new season of life and you consider both your hopes and fears, there are three truths based on this passage I want to bring to your attention.
#1 You will face challenges (v. 12-13).
It probably does not surprise you, but people live and talk contrary to God’s Word all the time. However, when you leave your home, you will be presented with even more ideas, philosophies, and movements than you may have had as a young child under the care of your family, school, coaches, church community, etc.
Therefore, I want to remind you to be on guard for false teachers. People who, whether intentionally or not, will attempt to deceive you and convince you that God alone is not enough. This sort of mentality is absolutely not true and will only lead you towards destruction. As it is said in Psalm 16:4, “The sorrows of those who run after another god shall multiply.” Do not let that be your story.
Which brings me to the second and third truths about preparing for when times of challenges arise and threaten to ambush your faith.
#2 Continue growing in your faith (v. 14-15).
As you begin a new season of your life, it is crucial for you to build upon the foundation that faithful members of God’s family laid before you in your early years. That foundation has most likely been made up of several life examples of what it looks like to follow Jesus (in the good and challenging). In Timothy’s life, he had his mentor Paul, his mother and grandmother, and perhaps other examples from his youth who modeled a faithful journey for him. Whatever your experiences, reflect and take inventory of what you have witnessed from others who follow Jesus. Then use this information to live out your faith in your life’s circumstances.
And remember, it is very likely the person who modeled a faith-driven life well for you is still highly interested in encouraging you and answering any questions you may have for them as you grow. One great thing about modern technology – you are never far from one another!
#3 Make meeting with God a priority (v. 15-17).
The scriptures are God’s primary source of revelation to us. From the scriptures, you came to know what salvation is all about (v. 15). It’s the Word of God that Paul tells Timothy will be his greatest mentor because it is God’s own words breathed out onto paper. When you meet with God, be prepared to be taught, disciplined, corrected, and trained because, like any good father, God wants the best for you, and He wants you to be equipped for the good works He has prepared in advance for you to walk in.
So I plead with you, while also humbly knowing my own struggles, to make meeting with the Creator of the universe who loves you immeasurable a priority. Matthew 6:33 says, “But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.” Your hopes and dreams, time, desires, struggles, heartaches, and needs are important to God. As you look to Him first, you will see that He never once left you alone.
If you need some questions to help you begin studying the Bible, hop on over to my Bible Studies + Resources page and click on the Study the Scriptures handout.
Blessings to you, graduate, as you begin your next adventure!
Reflect and Connect {for the graduate}
Regarding your faith, what are you most excited and nervous for after graduation?
Who has been influential in your walk with the Lord? What specifically do you recall about their life that has impacted you?
What have been your Bible reading practices thus far? What game plan do you have for making time with God a priority?
For the facilitator of the Senior Recognition Service:
Senior Recognition Outline:
- A senior video (pictures of the graduates growing up and put to music)
- A quick interview of the seniors (What will you be doing next? What are you most excited about, and what are you most nervous about?)
- A scripture reading (2 Timothy 3:12-17)
- A short three-point application of the scripture (basically the above message, but summarized more concisely)
- A prayer for the seniors
- Presenting each graduate with a gift (bible study, gift card, tumbler)
We had three graduates, so with the video and speaking portion, the recognition lasted about 10 minutes. Our church also chose to have this service portion done after the welcome and announcements and before the worship music.
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to reach out!