About the Site
Redeemed Blog began as a place to keep my teaching materials in one easy-to-find space and to have an outlet to record valuable life lessons the Lord was teaching me. Now, I hope to share these resources with fellow ministers of the gospel.
[Scroll down to learn more about me!]
My heart’s mission for the site is to equip God’s people to know Him and make Him known to the world.
Click on the links below to explore!
About the Author
Hi there! My name is Samantha, and I am thrilled you have decided to check out my site. Redeemed is a word that best describes what Jesus has done in my life. During my freshmen year of college, the Lord revealed my desperate need for Him through intentional Christian friendships, the scriptures, and the Holy Spirit. Being redeemed from my sins has brought me great freedom and created a desire to share Jesus with the world.
I currently serve in student ministry in my local church, and so many of the resources posted have been used firsthand with them. I am confident that all the resources will apply to adult-aged people, too; my students aren’t getting any watered-down teaching. 😉
As you explore the blog and teaching resources, I hope you will be inspired to live a life for Jesus and invite others to do the same.
Be blessed, friends!