As a Christian, I think there is a desire in you to want to please God. And one way you do this is by obeying Him and having meaningful relationships first with Jesus and then with others. Unfortunately, sometimes various distractions pop-up up and threaten to take your attention from the purpose of knowing God and making Him known.
So what do you do to refocus and make being intentional in all relationships a priority?
For me, I felt as if I hadn’t done an excellent job of being intentional in relationship-building at my job place leading up to my maternity leave. I was so overwhelmed with paperwork that I forgot that my priority was to love the people in front of me. While on maternity leave, I began to pray for a change in my heart. I wanted to go back to work and do things differently. However, while I tried to conjure up all sorts of ideas of how I could do better and love more intentionally, God spoke two different messages to me: abide and see the people in front of you.
#1 Abide
In John 15, Jesus gives a command and a promise to His followers.
“I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing.” John 15:5
The analogy of a vine and a branch illustrates the utter dependency you have with Jesus to produce lasting spiritual fruit. Abiding may look like spending time with Jesus, trusting in the power of the Holy Spirit, praying in God’s will, and studying the Word. It is when you abide, the promise Jesus made will manifest, and you will produce fruit. Lasting spiritual fruit is not created out of your hard work and productivity but by remaining in Christ. When I tried to make a list of how to be intentional with my co-workers and students (I was a teacher), I would often become overwhelmed with my to-do list and feel anxious. Instead, God was telling me to wait on Him to lead me to an intentional action of love. I encourage you to spend time with Jesus and allow His Spirit to flow through you to all areas of your life. As you spend time with Him, not only will you reap a harvest for the Lord, but your joy will be full because Christ is at work in you (John 15:11).
#2 See the Person in Front of You
In addition to abiding, I felt that the act of obedience God was calling me to when I went back to work was to see the person in front of me.
All people want to be seen, valued, and treasured. This is precisely what Christ has done for you. He saw you in your mess and loved you anyway. As the offended, he took your place for your crime and willingly gave himself over as a sacrifice for your sins (1 Peter 2:24).
If you are to love people like Christ, then you need to see the person in front of you as God would. People are not tasks and definitely not projects. Each person is unique and loved by God and you should love them just as He does.
Start Today!
Regardless of the season you are in, the call to abide and fruit promised when you do will never change. If you are ready to start being extra intentional in your relationships, start by spending time with the Lord and ask Him to help you see the person in front of you as valuable.
Reflect and Connect
What does it look like for you to abide in Christ?
What does abiding have to do with intentionally loving others?
What does it mean for you to see the person in front of you?
Sherry Stephens
thank you samantha! Your blog was insightful. Dont know that i can answer all your questions. But i know that abiding in Christ and being intentional sometimes is just realizing i am not the only person. You know i dont see lots of people on a daily basis except on the road. So when i get frustrated with drivers-God is reminding me that i dont know their situation and to take a moment to pray for them. No i am not always obedient but i always hear Him say think!
Sam i love you! You make me think.
Samantha Bowden
I love this! So many simple, but powerful ways that the Lord speaks and teaches us!
Abiding in Christ looks a little different depending on the day but as a whole it looks like me spending time with Him through prayer, scripture and the hardest for me, silence. This could be prayer in the car, prayer after my kids have been screaming and I’m at the end of my rope, or those rare moments where I can sit and just read and pray and read some more!! When we abide in Christ we are learning more about who He is, and more in tune with the Spirit which helps us to live lives that reflect Him which helps us love people well. (If that makes sense…) Right now the people in front of me are my family and my friends on social media. Checking in on people, praying, sending verses that the Spirit lays on my heart are all things I can do right now. Being aware of those who are hurting by what they post (if we aren’t as close) or texting my close friends and family to see what they might need and then helping in the ways I can! Abiding in Him helps me not feel overwhelmed by all the needs but helps me better recognize where I can help and be a light 💡
Thanks for this post and helping me process how to be intentional during this time ❤️
Samantha Bowden
I love your inclusion of “silence.” That is a tough one for me as well! I am encouraged by you and your thoughts!