If you feel broken, don’t despair, there is hope.
At the beginning of 1 Corinthians 15, the apostle Paul says he wants to remind the church of the most important message he could ever deliver: the message of salvation, the gospel.
Remembering the gospel story is essential to getting through the struggles in life.
That is what I want to do today; remind myself of the hope available through Jesus Christ, and I want to invite you into that story as well.
You were born into an incredible story full of redemption, victories, and hope.
Are you ready to remember that story today and lean into your new identity as God’s beautifully designed workmanship?
The Fall
God was not lonely, incomplete, or bored when He created our world. He made people to bear His image and give Him glory. In the garden, God gave every perfect gift and fulfillment to his people. Unfortunately, Adam and Eve decided God was withholding goodness from them, and they chose to give in to the deception and temptation of the devil and disobey Him (Genesis 3). This disobedience began our human struggle of shame and hardships because we daily choose not to trust in all of God’s goodness. We are all born tainted with sin, and this sin separates us from a fulfilling and perfect relationship with God (Romans 3:23).
The Brokenness
The scriptures say that after Adam and Eve ate from the forbidden tree, they realized they were naked and hid from God, and they hid their flesh. God, knowing what had happened, still asked Adam and Eve, “who told you, you were naked?” (Genesis 3:11); He wanted to hear from their lips how it was that they knew shame.
Consequences for sinning against God followed Adam and Eve, and as a lasting result, all people have inherited sin and the punishment that accompanies sinning against God (Romans 5:12). Our sin separates us from God, and we hide and reject His goodness just like our ancestors Adam and Eve did. We attempt to find our identity in sexuality, work, “good causes,” family, romantic relationships, etc. As people, we struggle with shame, rejection, heartache, and anxiety. God would be right and justified to leave us in this mess of a world and keep His holiness and perfection away from us since we have turned from Him. But, in His goodness, while we were still sinners, Christ died for us (Romans 5:6-8).
The Punishment
The punishment for our sin against a holy God is death. Our sin is offensive to Him. However, out of God’s love for us, He became flesh and made His home among us in our brokenness through Jesus Christ. Jesus knows every suffering imaginable and yet lived here on earth without tainting his holiness. Jesus became the perfect sacrifice for our sins since he knew no sin and died in place of our punishment (Romans 5:9). It’s a crazy story. God died for His creation that rejected him (Luke 23:21).
The Redemption
This extravagant love is displayed even from the first rejection of God. Even though Adam and Eve sinned against God, God showed mercy to them by killing the first animal and used the animal’s hide to make clothes for Adam and Eve (Genesis 3:21). The sacrifice of the animal helped to alleviate some of the shame Adam and Eve felt. What a merciful God! He clothed his people regardless of the way they treated Him. Let that sink in for a while. Likewise, we see from Jesus on the cross a sacrifice of His own life for ours to clothe us in righteousness before God. We no longer need to feel shame because Christ died for us and has covered us in His righteousness (1 Peter 2:24).
The New Life
God’s gift of salvation is free and available to all who call upon the name of the Lord (Romans 10:13). If you believe that Jesus rose from the dead and you confess Him as Lord (boss) of your life, the Bible says you will be saved (Romans 10:9-10). Salvation is based on faith alone, not works, so that no one may boast in themselves, but only in God (Ephesians 2:8-9). Through salvation, God has made you into a new creation (1 Corinthians 5:17) and has saved you for a purpose. Ephesians 2:10 says, “For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.” The works you have been created to do is to know God and make Him known (Matthew 28:19-20). There is no greater purpose than to live for the God who rescued you from your sins, calls you by name, and equips you with His Spirit (Romans 5:5).
Reflect and Connect
What in your life reminds you of your great need for Jesus?
How does being reminded of the gospel help you in your struggles?
What does it look like for you to live our your salvation?