“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways, acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.”
Proverbs 3:5-6
When God tells you to do something, say yes.
Even when you are unsure of the “how,” say yes.
Even when you are frightened, say yes.
Even if everyone else seems puzzled by God’s calling, say yes.
*I make those statements with the caveat that you want to be sure you are hearing from God and not yourself. So, test the calling to God’s Word. Is what you are hearing consistent with the scriptures? God will not contradict Himself, so if what you hear aligns with His Word, obey.
My Story: Saying Yes Without the Details
I have had a conviction in my heart to take teenagers I teach in my local church on a mission trip. When I presented this opportunity to them, I knew there were a lot of hesitations and even some complaints about going on a mission trip instead of our yearly summer church camp. It was not wise to spread our resources thin with two different trips (church camp + a mission trip) this year with our small group, so the decision was an “either-or” one, and God told me to choose the mission trip.
Knowing there was a lot of convincing of the teens, I felt overwhelmed by the idea that maybe no one would go. I knew I needed to be patient with them and teach them why I felt so strongly about going on a mission trip instead of camp this year. But I also knew I couldn’t change anyone’s heart about this trip, and I often would attempt to convince myself that even if only one person came, it would be a blessing. Yet, I was still nervous that no one would go.
Students did begin to sign up for the trip, but my next concern was whether I would have adult sponsors, especially a male sponsor. I reached out to people, made heartfelt announcements, and still did not know if anyone would join me in this mission I felt so strongly about. Yet, slowly (not my timing, but His), God brought people to me who requested to go, and they were the perfect fit for our team.
Many other elements of planning the trip’s logistics required faith. From taking the curriculum given to me a few weeks before the trip and repackaging it in a way that our teens could learn to teach children in a short amount of time and also creating permission slips, packing lists, and trying to think through the little details for shopping and preparing for a trip I had never been on took a lot of trusting the Lord. I even had to be okay with not knowing where our team would sleep until the day we arrived.
I often felt like there was a fog of unknowns around me, yet what I learned from preparing for the trip was about being obedient to God with the information in front of me and learning not to worry about the details I didn’t know yet.
Choose God Over Fear
The story of Abram keeps coming to my mind. God told Abram to pack up his family and go to a land He had never been to but that God would take him (Genesis 12). I doubt Abram knew all the details of his trip, either, and he may have even felt nervous about convincing his relatives to trust that He was hearing and obeying the Word of the Lord and asking them to join him in this journey. Yet, Abram chose God over fear, trusted in the promises of God, and he said yes. Likewise, in the Great Commission, Jesus commands all followers of Jesus to go and make disciples. We might not know all the specifics of what it looks like to “go,” but we know Jesus promises to always be with us as we obey Him, and that is something worth more than knowing all the little details.
What I have learned from all the preparation and going on the trip is to say yes when God calls you to something – whatever that may look like for you. God told me to lead these teens on a mission trip and teach them to be active participants as gospel ministers. I am glad I said yes because I saw firsthand the work of the Holy Spirit in my life and theirs and witnessed the body of Christ supporting the mission of making disciples on many different accounts. Countless other stories and lessons flood my mind with thanksgiving as I reflect on this experience.
When God gives you a command, say yes. The fellowship with the Lord you will receive as you walk in obedience to Him outweighs any fears you may have had.
Reflect and Connect
Why is Proverbs 3:5-6 such a challenging and yet important scripture?
What has kept you from obeying God’s voice or hesitating to obey in the past? How can you overcome those obstacles?
Is there anything God is calling you to do that requires an act of faith? Explain.
How can you support others who are following the Lord’s voice?