Sometimes I am so eager and excited to plan for a ministry event or teach a Bible story that I rush in without praying. So, what’s the big deal?
“And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.”
Colossians 3:17
Ministry isn’t about you, the success of your organization, or how well you can run a large event. It is about God. Prayer focuses our attention on why we plan events, have meetings, host Bible studies, and serve or speak; it is all for God’s glory.
At the next meeting or Bible study you lead, I encourage you to STOP and begin in prayer. Invite God to lead your group in wisdom and unity. Ask Him to bring salvation and growth. And most importantly, pray that you and your group will be aligned with His will and seek His glory.
Here are a few tips to help you be more intentional:
- Write on your meeting outline to begin in prayer so that you will not forget this crucial part.
- Plan for a reasonable amount of time to pray. Prayer is not something to gloss over.
- Remind the group of the importance of bringing your requests to God. {Everyone needs reminding.}
- Read scripture to focus the groups’ prayers.
- Have more than one person pray.
Below you will find an attachment containing a list of scriptures about prayer. I brought the verses to my last ministry meeting and began by saying, “If all we did at this meeting was pray about the event we are hosting, this meeting would still be successful.” Then, we went around the table reading the verses about prayer to help focus our hearts on why we pray. Next, all eight of us prayed. Each person spoke something slightly different to God, which helped the rest of us think about those praises and petitions and echo those prayers to Jesus from our hearts.
Be blessed, friends!
Reflect and Connect
How would you explain the importance of praying to someone?
Why is it easy to rush into planning ministry events without prayer? Why is that detrimental?
What are some of your favorite go-to verses when praying?