Hi, there, friends! I love finding and sharing resources with others! I have compiled a list of bible studies, biblical books, and other resources for you in this post. All of these have positively influenced me in my walk with the Lord. I hope you are blessed!
Bible Studies
- Knowing the Bible by J.I. Packer
- I have done several of these studies individually. What I love most about these studies is that it leads you through a complete book of the Bible. It gives a little background information at the beginning but then leads the learner through intentional questions as you study the book chapter by chapter. At the end of each week’s session, there are “Gospel Glimpse,” “Whole-Bible Connections,” and “Theological Soundings” insights from the author.
- Follow Me Student Bible Study by David Platt
- This group study comes with a DVD, leader guide, and student workbook. I have done this study at least three times and LOVE the sessions. David Platt addresses the cultural issue of so many people believing they are Christians, but biblically, they are not following Jesus. In this study he presents an accurate biblical picture of what it means to live for Christ.
- Habitudes by Dr. Tim Elmore
- In each session, a different image is presented to the reader to teach leadership truths. I completed this workbook with the college ministry staff I worked alongside. The principles taught were very enlightening for those part of an organization and those who want to cultivate biblical leadership skills better. Each lesson is short, but the images presented will stick with you for a long time!
- Spiritual Discipline Handbook by Adele Calhoun
- This book contains hundreds of spiritual disciplines with explanations, reflection questions, and practical spiritual exercises. Grab it for your studying or a group! You can pick out any topic and be ready to learn or teach a spiritual discipline!
Online Resources
- If:Equip – Bible Studies
- I use the If:Gathering app to access their studies. They have terrific resources they put out! Most sessions include a scripture focus, commentary, a short video, and a reflection question.
- Desiring God – Devotionals by John Piper
- Desiring God does have an app. I use these devotionals mostly when I am studying a particular topic. Generally, when I am researching a biblical principle, I will see if Desiring God has a post about the subject. These are not written in a bible study format, but more like a devotional where you read the commutators’ insights on the particular topic.
- Forgotten God by Francis Chan
- If you are interested in learning about the Holy Spirit, this is the book for you! There is a book and study!
- The Insanity of God by Nik Ripken
- This book significantly impacted my life as I read testimonies of persecuted believers and their obedience to our Lord, Jesus Christ.
- Counter Culture by David Platt
- I honestly never finished this book because I felt as if I needed to read this with someone. However, what I read impacted my thoughts about how I am to live radically different from my culture.
- The Questions Christians Hope No One Will Ask (with answers) by Mark Mittelberg
- This particular book is not one you have to read from start to finish. Depending on what tough question you are investigating, you can flip to that individual chapter to gain insight on the particular topic.
Reflect and Connect
What resource above interested you the most? Why?
What are some of your favorite resources when studying God’s Word?